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Welcome to Algebra Accents! My name is Marie De Los Reyes, owner/teacher-author of Algebra Accents and mother to one son. Like so many teachers, I started writing and designing resources during my first year in the classroom. I began with creating my own quizzes and tests, while still relying on the district adopted textbook as the main classroom resource. 

I quickly discovered that teaching from a textbook was not serving my students’ needs. No textbook could identify what a student needed when they needed it. Textbooks are a “one-size-fits-all” resource; as teachers know, one size never fits all when it comes to students.  What my students really needed was differentiated instruction with differentiated assignments to be successful. 

Recognizing this ignited my creative energy. I began daily to write and design curriculum materials for my students. Over the years, I have taught advanced students, disadvantaged students, gifted students, at-risk students, at-grade level students, special needs students, bilingual students, non-English speaking students…I’ve taught Pre-AP Algebra, Remedial Algebra, Grade Level Algebra, Honors Algebra and all Maths from grades 5 through high school.  My experiences and commitment to differentiating have made me  an expert in turning  math curriculum into bite-sized pieces, easily digestible even to those who “hate” math.

In the Fall of 2014, I opened my Teachers Pay Teachers store, Algebra Accents, as a way to share my resources with other math teachers who, like me, wanted differentiated resources to complement their differentiated instruction but lacked the time and/or energy required to write and design their own high-quality material.  I was already creating new material for my students each day, so I figured maybe other teachers’ students needed what mine needed.  

And still today, I work on supporting the needs of other teachers and students by designing resources for Algebra Accents with your students in mind.  Teachers can contact me with ideas, suggestions and/or requests.  I make myself available during regular school hours to answer questions and troubleshoot any issues teachers may be having with resources.  Reach out and say hello at and let’s chat!